Decision made.

I've definitely decided to spend my 65th year doing another big trip in Albert and so have started planning for our 2020 road trip the USA, Canada and Alaska but before deciding on routes and shippers I need to make sure we can get car insurance for our trip as no insurance would mean no trip. 
It's proving quite hard to find companies that will insure foreign vehicles that are temporarily imported into the States but I'm hopeful we'll find something. If anyone reading this has any advice or can assist then that would be much welcome.
Current thinking is to ship Albert to Jacksonville, Florida and start from there as it's significantly cheaper than the West Coast and I get the chance to visit my brother at the same time . From there as you can see we have plenty of options.

Road Trips USA
Routes from the book Road Trip USA
So, things to do before I go;
  1. Renew passport
  2. Get USA B1/B2 visa
  3. Find shipping company
  4. Establish requirements for temporarily importing Albert into the States
  5. Sort out insurances for me and the car
I'm sure there's more but we'll deal with these as they arise.
